Personal Training

Personal Trainer in Fort Worth TX

When you hire me, you hire a personal trainer, running coach, and nutrition coach in one. If you're a runner with performance or strength goals, I'm your coach. I help runners get stronger and faster with my strength training for runners program. I build custom resistance training plans based on your fitness abilities, lifestyle, and goals. Runners who strength train are leaner, fitter, faster, and less prone to injury.

A long time ago, after running for a few years, I knew that strength training benefited runners, but I needed to figure out where to start. So I did what most people would do: hire a personal trainer. But that turned out to be a mistake. That trainer didn't understand my passion for running. He told me running was bad for my knees. He encouraged me not to run at all. He was not the trainer for me. I wanted to be a stronger runner; I didn't want to give up running to spend all day in the gym.

I am a personal trainer for runners. You don't have to hire a separate running coach and personal trainer. I help runners with running-specific strength training and running plans to reach all their running goals.


Don't hire a personal trainer. Hire a change facilitator. A personal trainer can show you exercises, but you must fuel properly to see the desired results. A nutrition coach can advise you on what foods are best for you to eat to meet your specific goals, but if your training is sporadic, you won't perform your best. A running coach can write you a training schedule to meet your running goals, but you won't continue to improve if your lifestyle factors aren't in check (sleep, stress, recovery, nutrition).

I am Lea, and I am your change facilitator. I am your trainer, running coach, and nutrition coach in one. I don't just assign exercises or recommend nutrition; I'll work with you on your lifestyle, goals, and preferences (yes, preferences are important!) to develop strategies to help you meet your goals. 

You don't train in a bubble. Your lifestyle affects your results. How's your stress? How many hours of sleep do you get a night? Are you getting adequate nutrition and taking in needed macro and micro-nutrients? It all matters when it comes to athletic performance and fat loss. 

Ready for a change? I help runners utilize strength training, nutrition, and lifestyle improvements to meet all their running and fat loss goals. It doesn't happen overnight, but we can do it together with proper programming, guidance, and accountability.


You wouldn't start an exercise session without a warm-up, would you? So why would you hire a trainer without warming up to them first? Let's discuss your unique goals and how we can work together to accomplish them. 

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